High Vibe Foods

Welcome to February, the month where we celebrate the heart—in health and in love—with both Valentine’s Day and National Heart Health Month! In Feb. 2016, I spent the days by my sister’s side as she recovered from open heart bypass surgery. It was her 52nd birthday.

In the year leading up to this event, I inquired with her medical team about the impact of a plant-based diet on her heart health and asked the team to consider food as a way to heal. My attempts to support my sister in recovering her health more naturally were dismissed. I can’t lay blame on health care providers. Given that our current medical system receives little training in nutrition, why would they view food as medicine?

Life eating the Standard American Diet (SAD)

My sister had the surgery, endured a painful recovery and ended up back in the same boat just a year later. This time she made a different choice. These same doctors were shocked to learn that, although her first heart bypass had failed and she was facing another, she chose to refuse surgery and heal with food instead.

Several months into her plant-based journey, she met with her cardiologist. Upon examination, after a nuclear stress test, it was confirmed that she no longer needed the surgery. The cardiologist was so shocked and so impressed with these results he later went plant-based too.

Life eating HIGH VIBE foods

Eating a highly raw, whole-food, plant-based diet did for my sister what pharmaceutical drugs, five stents and invasive surgery could not do. She healed her heart disease and many other medical conditions by avoiding meat, dairy and eggs, and replacing them with fruits, vegetables, grains and beans.

My life transformation was more emotional than physical. When I gave up meat nine years ago, I noticed a greater sense of peace and my “vibe” was higher. I was more joyful and loving. I’ve come across many others, including my sister, who have had similar experiences.

What is the magic of plant-based eating which not only helps heal the physical body but also helps to heal the emotional body too? How does it help to heal our hearts?

I believe it has to do with love. When we make food choices from a higher perspective, vibration or intent, such as self-love, self-care, love of animals or for the planet, we are compassion in action. We are living love. We vibrate higher on all levels. This can only lead to a healthier heart in every way.


1 cup water or plant-based milk substitute of choice

½ cup frozen cherries

½ cup chopped raw beets

½ cup frozen strawberries

1 banana

1 handful of spinach (optional)

Ice, as needed

Add liquid to the blender. Then add the remaining ingredients. Blend until smooth.


Makes 4 Servings

2 medium green zucchini squash

2 medium yellow squash

2 medium shallots

1 tablespoon chopped garlic

10 halved cherry tomatoes

4 tablespoons (or more) water
for sautéing

Salt, to taste

Pepper, to taste

Fresh basil, to taste

Scallions, for garnish

Wash and dry the squash and zucchini. Cut off the stems and cut the squash and zucchini in half. Use a vegetable spiralizer to turn the squash and zucchini into spaghetti-shaped noodles. Peel and cut shallots into thin rounds.

Add water to a 24-inch skillet and heat until smoky. Turn heat down to medium and add shallots, garlic, and zucchini and squash noodles. Stir with a wooden spoon for two minutes. Add cherry tomatoes. Cook for five minutes while stirring.

Finish by seasoning with salt, pepper and fresh basil. Serve hot in a bowl with scallions.

This Strange Tapping Thing – In Action

The practice of Tapping might look strange at first, but one quickly gets over it when the magic kicks in. I am the “client” in the video below as a colleague and I work with each other on clearing blocks, cliches and limiting beliefs. You too may have some beliefs that are driving your unconscious thoughts and choices. Ever hear yourself saying ” Money doesn’t grow on trees” “Everyone in our family is overweight” “Nobody said it would be easy”. How is that serving you, and how liberating would it be to release these anchors?

Even though I was a magnet to mosquitoes, which was irritating, you’ll see that at around 1 minute and 15 seconds there’s a shift in my body. I recall the moment. What was happening is “happy” chemicals like Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphins or Oxytocin were entering my bloodstream. Did you know you can access these feel good neurotransmitters any time by Tapping?

If you didn’t catch my blog last week, go back an check it out: Tapping Into a Delicious Life in No Time Flat.

I have used Tapping with great success to help friends, family and clients with pain, anxiety, phobias and panic attacks, but it’s my desire to transmute emotional overeating that inspired me to pursue advanced training. If you weren’t using food as a form of anesthesia, what emotions might surface for you? Sometimes we don’t know the answer to this question because we’ve never been “without” the food. The overeating continues so the emotions don’t surface. Are you numbing yourself and if so, what is it you are trying to supress?

But, this strange Tapping thing is too powerful to NOT use it for just about anything that keeps us from living our most delicious life. EFT uses elements of Cognitive Therapy and Exposure Therapy, and combines them with Acupressure, in the form of fingertip tapping on 12 acupuncture points. Over 100 papers published in peer-reviewed medical and psychology journals, including dozens of clinical trials, have demonstrated that EFT is effective for phobias, anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, pain, and other problems. So, if you have any roadblocks to being, doing or having what you most want to experience, I’d love to put this in action for you and show you just how much easier the shift can be.

I am passionate about helping others reach their best physical and emotional body. Are you ready for a supportive, interactive approach in taking charge of your life and health? Are you ready to rewrite your story? If the answer is a resounding YES! Contact me HERE

Watch this transformational video   “To Die For” A Double Entendre

Need help rewriting your story?    Let’s get in touch

Tapping into a Delicious Life in No Time Flat

Can’t remember when or how I first heard about EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping. It was about 5 years ago when I was in massive download mode and a sponge to all things related to living a more delicious life.

I went on to become a certified health coach with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition ( Want to Become a Certified Health Coach? ) and a licensed independent educator with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. I love teaching others the why and how of incorporating more healthy whole plant foods into their diet. It’s even more powerful when helping someone fully transition to a healthy whole food vegan diet. But often, a level of sweeping change comes from an emergency or struggle, like a heart attack, type 2 diabetes diagnosis or severe complications arising from a chronic disease. Whether the decision to make a lifestyle pivot comes from a place of urgency or not, it’s our mind and emotional body that will determine the level of lasting change.

Enter EFT Tapping. First, I must quickly gush about my recent week at the Omega Institute in upstate New York. I was there for professional training, being taught by one of the foremost EFT experts alive on the planet today, Dawson Church. Want to keep this blog shorter and sweeter for you, but Omega is worthy of its own post. AMAZING setting, quaint cabins, scenery, people and programs. The bonanza of locally grown plant-based meal options made my taste buds and body swoon. Worth Googling, if that sort of thing interests you. Back to Tapping.

What does EFT Tapping do? As you are tapping on meridian end points, areas of the body where acupressure/ acupuncture points converge, the tapping protocol calms the amygdala, a set of almond shaped “organs” in your brain that regulate emotions, especially fight or flight responses. In modern life, many of us live in some state of fight or flight most of the time. Traffic, deadlines, bills and bosses stress us out and flood our blood stream with cortisol, the fight or flight hormone. As you tap, you are also addressing different aspects of the issues that are presenting, breaking through emotional blocks and barriers. In a nutshell, tapping combines ancient acupressure with modern psychology to calm the nervous system, which opens up the potential to rewrite your story (and history) from a different point of view. It has been scientifically proven to be highly effective in transmuting cravings, trauma, PTSD, anxiety, depression, pain and more. Continue reading “Tapping into a Delicious Life in No Time Flat”