Rewrite Your Story

Rewrite Your Story

December 3rd, 1981 –  “I’d had enough. I was truly sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.”

So, after careful planning and excellent execution, I was waiting to die. I knew I had about 7 hours before anyone would return home and that would be plenty of time for the bottle of anti-depressants to take effect and end the pain that had been mounting from years of being fat, depressed, bullied, self-loathing and overwhelmed. I was 16 years old.

That morning, I feigned the flu and was very nonchalant, even light hearted, as I bid my family a good day, knowing, or at least thinking, that I would never see them again. Lucky for me, I had an urgent need for the coffee cake my mom had made that morning. My binge eating was so uncontrollable that even in the face of death, “knowing” that I was on my way to hell for killing myself, I could not resist and ate the whole cake. That’s probably what saved my life.

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Welcome To Vegsetter!

During my mid-forties, I was heading into menopause, was restless, unfulfilled, not really happy. It didn’t make sense to me. On paper my life looked good: a supportive husband who is my best friend, a long and successful career with a dynamic company, great family and friends, lots of travel and adventure. What was up with me?

I was starting to ask a lot of questions and looking for answers when a very non-descript happening started me down a path of colossal transformation. January 1, 2012, I watched a movie. By the end of that movie, I knew I would never knowingly eat meat again. I could no longer contribute to the suffering and misery caused by factory farming. Now what? Continue reading “Welcome To Vegsetter!”


Innovation and passion have been the driver of Betsy’s career and many interests. After college, she spent the first years of her professional life working in health insurance as a medical underwriter and analyst. Working closely with the insurance medical team comprised of nurses and doctors, she created new polices that determined coverage of advancing medical treatments of the day. It sparked an interest in health and healthcare that never left her.

Destiny led Betsy to a three-year adventure helping her husband run a small business in Ohio. They drove to work each day with their yellow Labrador retriever in tow. Wearing many hats, heavily focused on Human Resources, she learned the rewards and challenges of running an operational business. Eventually another adventure led her in a different direction. Continue reading “Bio”